Plant Soil Environ., 2021, 67(4):202-207 | DOI: 10.17221/622/2020-PSE

Changes in dry weight and starch content in potato under the effect of herbicides and biostimulantsOriginal Paper

Krystyna Zarzecka*,1, Marek Gugała1, Iwona Mystkowska2, Anna Sikorska3
1 Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Siedlce, Poland
2 Department of Environment Sciences, Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska, Biała Podlaska, Poland
3 Department of Agriculture, the State Higher School of Vocational Education in Ciechanów, Ciechanów, Poland

The aim of the study was to determine the interaction of herbicides and herbicides with biostimulants on the accumulation of dry matter and starch in potato tubers. In a three-year field experiment based on the method of randomised sub-blocks, two factors were taken into account. The first factor were potato cultivars: Bartek, Gawin, Honorata. The second factor were five methods of herbicides and biostimulants application: (1) the control object without chemical protection (CO); (2) herbicide linuron + clomazone (Harrier 295 ZC) (H); (3) herbicide linuron + clomazone (Harrier 295 ZC) and biostimulant Ecklonia maxima (Kelpak SL) - (H + K); (4) herbicide metribuzin (Sencor 70 WG) - (S); (5) herbicide metribuzin (Sencor 70 WG) and biostimulant sodium para-nitrophenol, sodium ortho-nitrophenol, sodium 5-nitroguaiacol (Asahi SL) - (S + A). The cultivars and weather conditions significantly affected the content and yields of dry matter and starch. The herbicides and biostimulants used determined the starch accumulation as well as dry matter and starch yields. Most starch in tubers (more by 3.7 g/kg) and the highest dry matter and starch yields (more by 2.87 and 1.79 t/ha, respectively), compared to the control object, were obtained after the application of the herbicide Sencor 70 WG and biostimulant Asahi SL.

Keywords: Solanum tuberosum L.; tuberous crop; climatic conditions; rainfall

Published: April 30, 2021  Show citation

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Zarzecka K, Gugała M, Mystkowska I, Sikorska A. Changes in dry weight and starch content in potato under the effect of herbicides and biostimulants. Plant Soil Environ.. 2021;67(4):202-207. doi: 10.17221/622/2020-PSE.
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