Agric. Econ. - Czech, 2012, 58(5):231-221 | DOI: 10.17221/59/2011-AGRICECON

A tool applicable to the payment of credits for projects of agricultural crops with different income levels

Pilar Valencia-DeLara1, Alberto Ramírez-Ceballos2
1 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca, Spain
2 Financial economic department, ID-International Decision Limited, London, England

Traditionally, the banking sector has not accounted for the temporary loss in a customer's income, at any stage of the credit life, caused by the changes or the loss of employment, income drops in business, the establishment and development of new projects of agricultural crops with different income levels, or other contingencies that can arise in the today's economy. To address this problem, the present study constructs a phased model of one mother equation, from which a series of equations of financial mathematics are derived as a response to several needs of credit beneficiaries. The proposed model consists of one scenario, based on a mother equation. The scenario corresponds to credits with reduced or increasing payment instalments, postponable payment periods. Of the mother equation, 8 explicative variables were solved for a total of 9 phasing formulas for credits with three levels of payment. Our model, in contrast to the traditional one, incorporates postponable payment periods and jumps in payment instalments in any period of the lifetime of the credit due to a temporary loss in the customer's income and changes in the credit user's income.

Keywords: welfare economy, agricultural crops with different income levels, jump discontinuity, banking

Published: May 31, 2012  Show citation

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Valencia-DeLara P, Ramírez-Ceballos A. A tool applicable to the payment of credits for projects of agricultural crops with different income levels. Agric. Econ. - Czech. 2012;58(5):231. doi: 10.17221/59/2011-AGRICECON.
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