J. For. Sci., 2003, 49(4):141-147 | DOI: 10.17221/4689-JFS

Biological and chemical amelioration effects on the localities degraded by bulldozer site preparation in the Ore Mts. - Czech Republic

V.V. Podrázský, J. Remeš, I. Ulbrichová
Czech University of Agriculture, Faculty of Forestry, Prague, Czech Republic

Biological and chemical (fertilising, liming) amelioration are among the principal tools used to restore degraded sites. These techniques were also used on the Ore Mts. plateau on plots prepared by bulldozing. We evaluated the impact of these amelioration techniques by measuring tree species primary production and humus form restoration. Begun in 1983-1985, this project studied growth reaction of forest stands by measuring height and diameter increment, for the following species (blue spruce Picea pungens Engelm., European larch Larix decidua Mill., lodgepole pine Pinus contorta Dougl., Eastern white pine Pinus strobus L., alder Alnus incana Moench., European beech Fagus sylvatica L.) during the period 1994-2000. The growth potential by species decreases in the following order: larch, alder, lodgepole pine, white pine, blue spruce. Beech was almost exterminated by red deer browsing and the harsh climate; pines suffered heavily from browsing and bark stripping. Holorganic horizons were measured and basic soil chemical and mechanical characteristics were determined - pH, soil adsorption complex characteristics (using Kappen's methodology), content of the humus and total nitrogen, exchangeable acidity and plant available macronutrients, granulometric composition of mineral soil horizons. Our results confirmed the relatively long-lasting effects of soil amendments, as well as the amelioration effects of alder, and the relatively inhibiting effects of larch and blue spruce.

Keywords: Ore Mts.; preparatory stands; tree species growth; site preparation; fertilisation; liming; humus forms; site restoration

Published: April 30, 2003  Show citation

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Podrázský VV, Remeš J, Ulbrichová I. Biological and chemical amelioration effects on the localities degraded by bulldozer site preparation in the Ore Mts. - Czech Republic. J. For. Sci.. 2003;49(4):141-147. doi: 10.17221/4689-JFS.
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