Czech J. Anim. Sci., 2004, 49(6):239-243 | DOI: 10.17221/4306-CJAS

The ambiguity of freemartinism diagnosis in cattle revealed by cytogenetic and molecular techniques

J. Nowacka, M. Switonski, M. Mackowski, E. Slota, A. Radko, T. Zabek, K. Urbaniak
1 , M. S 1, M. M 1, E. S 2, A. R 2, T. Z 2, K. U
3 1Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, 2Department of Agricultural Veterinary of the August Cieszkowski Agricultural University of Poznan, Poland 3National Research Institute of Animal Production, Balice, Poland

Nineteen heifers and three male co-twins, originating from heterosexual twin pregnancies, were analysed with the use of cytogenetic and molecular techniques. A large number (50-400) of Giemsa stained metaphase spreads were studied and the proportion of XX and XY cell lines was calculated. The presence of two genes - SRY and AMEL (AMELX and AMELY) - was also analysed. Both approaches facilitated the identification of the XX/XY chimerism in 17 females and three males. The proportion of the co-twin cell line ranged from 1 to 99%. In two females no chimerism was detected: (1) 60,XY male chromosome complement in all 400 metaphase spreads; SRY-positive, AMELY-positive, AMELX-positive and (2) 60,XX female chromosome complement in all 200 metaphase spreads; SRY-negative, AMELY-negative, AMELX-positive. The usefulness of different techniques for the diagnosis of freemartinism is discussed.

Keywords: intersexuality; freemartinism; XX, XY chimerism; cattle

Published: June 30, 2004  Show citation

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Nowacka J, Switonski M, Mackowski M, Slota E, Radko A, Zabek T, Urbaniak K. The ambiguity of freemartinism diagnosis in cattle revealed by cytogenetic and molecular techniques. Czech J. Anim. Sci.. 2004;49(6):239-243. doi: 10.17221/4306-CJAS.
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