Plant Soil Environ., 2018, 64(8):393-399 | DOI: 10.17221/231/2018-PSE

Nitrate addition inhibited methanogenesis in paddy soils under long-term managementsOriginal Paper

Jun WANG1,3, Tingting XU1, Lichu YIN2, Cheng HAN1,4, Huan DENG1,4, Yunbin JIANG*,1, Wenhui ZHONG1,4
1 Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Materials Cycling and Pollution Control, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, P.R. China
2 College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, P.R. China
3 Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Water and Soil Conservation and Environmental
4 Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing, P.R. China

Rice fields are a major source of atmospheric methane (CH4). Nitrate has been approved to inhibit CH4 production from paddy soils, while fertilization as well as water management can also affect the methanogenesis. It is unknown whether nitrate addition might result in shifts in the methanogenesis and methanogens in paddy soils influenced by different practices. Six paddy soils of different fertilizer types and groundwater tables were collected from a long-term experiment site. CH4 production rate and methanogenic archaeal abundance were determined with and without nitrate addition in the microcosm incubation. The structure of methanogenic archaeal community was analysed using the PCR-DGGE (polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) and pyrosequencing. The results showed that nitrate addition significantly decreased the CH4 production rate and methanogenic archaeal abundance in all six paddy soils by 70-100% and 54-88%, respectively. The quantity, position and relative intensity of DGGE bands exhibited differences when nitrate was added. Nitrate suppressed the growth of methanogenic archaeal species affiliated to Methanosaetaceae, unidentified Euryarchaeota, Thaumarchaeota and Methanosarinaceae. The universal inhibition of nitrate addition on the methanogenesis and methanogens can be adopted as a practice of mitigating CH4 emission in paddy soils under different fertilization and water managements.

Keywords: Oryza sativa L.; mineral fertilizer; organic manure; biomethanation; archaeal 16S rRNA gene

Published: August 31, 2018  Show citation

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WANG J, XU T, YIN L, HAN C, DENG H, JIANG Y, ZHONG W. Nitrate addition inhibited methanogenesis in paddy soils under long-term managements. Plant Soil Environ.. 2018;64(8):393-399. doi: 10.17221/231/2018-PSE.
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