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일제강점기 조선어 장려 정책과 한국어 교육

The Language Policy of Encouragement for Korean and Korean Education during the Japanese Imperialism

약어 : KLR
2007 no.20, pp.293 - 316
DOI : 10.16876/klrc.2007..20.293
발행기관 : 한말연구학회
연구분야 : 한국어와문학
Copyright © 한말연구학회
148 회 열람

This study aims to describe the history of Korean education as a foreign language(KFL) during the Japanese Imperialism. I focused on the language policy of encouragement for Korean. During the Japanese imperialism, language polices were generalization of Japanese, restraint of Korean and teaching Korean for Japanese government officials. The policy of teaching Korean for government officials established by the need of practical communicative problems. This policy was called 'encouragement for Korean', so many researchers was mistaken in thinking that the imperial government practiced Korean education for Joseon peoples. But this policy was Korean education as a second language for Japanese. This paper focused on the primary factor and trends of this language policy. The primary factor was communicative problems for dominate needs. So they were set up the test so called 'Joseon-eo Jangryeo Siheom'(1922). In 1938, the name alternated 'Joseon-eo Siheom(test of Korean)'. But this policy influenced on KFL that Korean researchers established '(Gyeongseong)Josen-eo Yeonguhoi(research circle for Korean education)' and published many textbooks. The magazine of monthly Joseon-eo was famous for preparing the examination. In this times, the textbook specialized pronunciation-letters, grammar and speech.

외국어로서의 한국어 교육, 조선어 장려 정책, 조선어 시험, 교재, 연구회.
Korean education as a foreign language(KFL), language policy of encouragement for Korean, test of Korean, textbook, research circle.

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