
The study investigates the influence of the “Intensive In-service English Teacher Training (INSET)” program in Korea on participants’ professional knowledge and on their use of the knowledge in classrooms. To examine how participants have achieved two objectives of the program, improvement in English communicative competence and instructional skills of participants, a mixed-methods study was conducted. Three secondary English teachers, who had participated in the program during the second term of 2006 and have taught English at secondary schools in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, were recruited for in-depth interviews. In addition, participants’ artifacts, official documents and textbooks of the program were analyzed to support participants’ self-report. The main finding shows that while the teachers believe their improvement in English proficiency and teaching skills through a one-month overseas program, a five-month domestic program was not effective enough to improve their professional knowledge because of redundant courses, unqualified instructors and differences in the English levels of trainees. With detailed evidence, the result supports the government’s official program evaluation that indicates the percentage of all respondents to each survey question.


English teacher training, in-service training, intensive training, professional development, English education policy


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