
Purpose – To vitalize a market or develop a new one, companies frequently release new products into the market, often by shortening the time to market, called the release period. This research aims to investigate the purchase intention behavior of consumers in innovative attributes of new products, as proposed by Rogers. Moreover, it examines the moderating effect of the innovative new product attributes in terms of speed of obsolescence of old products and how that influences consumer purchase behavior. Additionally, this study tests the research hypotheses using empirical analysis. Results – The analysis demonstrated that the relative predominance (H1) and suitability (H3) of new products had a statistically significant positive influence on new product purchase intention. However, the complexity (H2) of new products had a statistically significant positive influence on new product purchase intention in contrast to its predicted sign (-). The results of the moderating effect of the old product use period were as follows. H4-1 was not supported since the difference between the path coefficients of the grouterms of buying new products at the time of product release based on the release speed. Research Design, Data, and Methodology – The research reviews the influence of relative advantage, complexity, and compatibility among p with the low level old product use period and the group with the high level, represented by the relationship of relative predominance and new product purchase intention, was not statistically significant. H5-1 was also not supported since the difference between the path coefficients of the group with the low level of old product use period and the group with the high level, represented by the relationship of complexity and new product purchase intention, was not statisti-cally significant. However, H4-2 was supported since the difference between the path coefficients of the group with the low level of old product use frequency and the group with the high level, represented by the relationship of relative advantage and new product purchase intention was statistically significant. H5-2 was not supported since the difference between the path coefficients of the group with the low level of old product use frequency and the group with the high level, represented by the relationship of complexity and new product purchase intention, was not statistically significant. H6-2 was also not supported since the difference between the path coefficients of the group with the low level of old product use frequency and the group with the high level, represented by the relationship of compatibility and new product purchase intention, was not statistically significant. Conclusion – According to the results, only H4-2 among the hypotheses on the moderating effect of the old product use period and use frequency was statistically significant. Future research should focus on carrying out a detailed review of the hypothesis on the moderating effect of the old product usage period and frequency, find the cause, and connect this to potential new research.


Relative Advantage, Complexity, Compatibility, Planned Obsolescence


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