A Study on the Architectural Planning of Clinical Practice Spaces at the College of Medicine

의과대학의 임상실습공간에 관한 건축계획 연구

  • Received : 2021.10.19
  • Accepted : 2021.11.22
  • Published : 2021.12.15


Purpose: This study summarized architectural planning data for clinical practice spaces for CPX/OSCE and Simulation spaces, through analysis of domestic and foreign literature and a survey of domestic colleges of medicine. Methods: This study analyzed the architectural planning elements of the clinical practice spaces of the college of medicine, through a literature review on the clinical practice space and the survey of four recently established colleges of medicine. Results: ① It is desirable to plan the floor plan type for Simulation and CPX/OSCE spaces as a corridor-separated type that separates the circulations between students and staff (faculty). ② The simulation area arranges their practice rooms around the control space where the circulation of the staff is made. Conversely, it is desirable to arrange the CPX/OSCE rooms around the test waiting room where students enter. ③ It is desirable to separate access to the staff and students to allow student control, and to install various support spaces facing the staff corridor to secure the movement of equipment and the flow of evaluators. ④ In the simulation area, the equipment stored in the storage must be set in each room before the practice according to the setting of delivery or surgery like, and the equipment that has been removed must be back, so the circulation is short and does not intersect with the student circulations. ⑤ Debriefing rooms, seminar rooms, etc. are arranged in the staff area for review and discussion of clinical situations where practice and evaluation have been completed. Implications: It is important to configure an appropriate movement system and spatial zoning for each space for simulation and CPX/OSCE.



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