Juan-R. Vélez-Giraldo e-mail(Inicie sesión)

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Juan-R. Vélez-Giraldo e-mail(Inicie sesión)


Throughout his life John Henry Newman reflected on the nature of Revelation and biblical inspiration, and the role of Tradition in the composition and interpretation of the Scriptures. In this article we point to the indirect influence that Newman had on the theology that was at work in the composition of the Vatican II Constitution on Divine Revelation Dei Verbum. And we look at the direct influence that he may have had on theologians who were involved in the preparation of the various drafts of the conciliar text, in particular Yves-Marie Congar.


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Detalles del artículo

En la canonización de J. H. Newman
Biografía del autor/a

Juan-R. Vélez-Giraldo, IKON Institutes Advisory Board. 4415 SW 88th Ave, Miami

Florida, 33165