Consuming a Cathedral

Commodification of religious places in Late Modernity


  • Tuomas Martikaien Åbo Akademi University



Cathedral of Turku, new spiritualities, commodification cathedral, commodification, consumer society, religion, secularization


The article is a case study of activities taking place in the most important church of Finland, the Cathedral of Turku. The article seeks possibilities to understand contemporary religious change by using theoretical ideas developed in the sociology of consumption. This is done through analysing four cases of how the cathedral has been commodified in different situations. The cases are a celebrity wedding, a dance performance, a marketing brand and a city festival. The results show that even traditional Christian communities have adapted to consumer society and that the ideas developed in the sociology of consumption are useful in understanding current religious change.


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Author Biography

  • Tuomas Martikaien, Åbo Akademi University

    Tuomas Martikainen is a postdoctoral researcher funded by the Academy of Finland in the Department of Comparative Religion at the Åbo Akademi University, Finland. His academic work has centred on contemporary religion and immigrant religious organizations, mainly in Finland. His PhD Immigrant Religions in Local Society: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives in the City of Turku (Åbo Akademi University Press, 2004) discussed local immigrant religious organizations from a globalization perspective. Dept. of Comparative Religion Fabriksgatan 2 20500 Åbo Finland


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How to Cite

Martikaien, T. (2008). Consuming a Cathedral: Commodification of religious places in Late Modernity. Fieldwork in Religion, 2(2), 127-145.