Title: Grout-Filled Pipe Splices for Precast Concrete Construction
Date: January-February, 1995
Volume: 40
Issue: 1
Page number: 82-93
Author(s): Amin Einea, Takashi Yamane, Maher K. Tadros

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The effect of confining entire members or parts of members, such as beams and columns, is known to strengthen the bond between the concrete and reinforcement. In this paper, the effect of confining  the grout that surrounds isolated, single reinforcing bars on the bond strength between the bar and the grout is investigated. Grout-filled steel pipe splices with different parameters and geometrical design  ere prepared and loaded in axial tension until failure. The test specimens are described and the test results are presented, with discussion and analysis in light of existing theory. The experimental results show that a generic and inexpensive reinforcing bar splice for field connection of precast concrete members can be achieved using grout-filled standard steel pipe. 


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