Teaching Writing Skills - How to Start Writing a Text/Nastava pisanog izražavanja – kako početi tekst

Dusanka Popovic, Tatjana Novovic


AbstractThis paper presents and analyzes parts of the research on teaching writing skills in elementary school relating to the difficulties that pupils encounter when creating a text and recommends actions to overcome the observed difficulties. As the highest percentage of pupils pointed out the problem of how to start the writing process and how to choose the topics about which to write, and being that these two issues are directly related, we analyze and suggest an individualized approach to choosing the topic and its title. This approach was tested during the implementation of the project How to help pupils to successfully produce oral and written, artistic and non-artistic texts, in which pupils wrote throughout a process based on a number of stages and each individual had the time he/she needed to create a text, which was correct in terms of content and language, and prepared in accordance with the title he/she has chosen him/herself. The process itself is mentioned or described in the methodology and theories of literacy of domestic and foreign production, but so far the authors have not presented its application in practice and its concrete results. All suggestions and conclusions which are given here, together with the provided theoretical foundations, are based on practical experience.Key words: individualized approach; topic; topic title; written text; writing.
SažetakU radu se iznose i analiziraju dijelovi istraživanja nastave pisanog izražavanja u osnovnoj školi koji se odnose na teškoće na koje učenici nailaze prilikom stvaranja teksta i preporučuju načini za njihovo prevladavanje. Kako su u najvećem postotku učenici istaknuli problem samog započinjanja rada i teme o kojoj pišu, te kako su ove dvije stavke u izravnoj vezi, analiziramo i predlažemo indvidualizirani pristup u izboru teme, odnosno njezina naslova. Pristup je provjeren tijekom realizacije Projekta Kako učenicima pomoći da uspješno stvaraju usmene i pisane, umjetničke i neumjetničke tekstove, u okviru kojeg su učenici pisali u nekoliko faza i u vremenu koje je svakom pojedincu potrebno da stvori sadržajno i jezično korektan tekst o naslovu koji je sam odabrao. Sam proces spomenut je ili opisan u metodikama i teorijama pismenosti naših i stranih autora, ali njegovu primjenu u praksi i konkretne rezultate autori nisu predstavili. Svi prijedlozi i zaključci koje navodimo, uz teorijsko utemeljenje, zasnivaju se na iskustvima iz prakse.  Ključne riječi: individualizirani pristup; naslov teme; pisanje; pisani tekst; tema. 

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v18i4.2016


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