Медведєва А. - Аналіз системи оцінювання діяльності наукових закладів в Україні (2016)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2016, Issue 43)Ukrainian English

Medvedeva Anzhelica

Analysis of Evaluation of Scientific Institutions in Ukraine

Abstract: Intensive development of the information society and increase of public demand for qualitative information have caused the growth of general public interest in the problems of defining the criteria of scientific research. The question of improving the efficiency of domestic science, developing clear criteria for evaluating its activities, until a comprehensive reform of the entire system, including funding mechanisms, methods and management structure of industrial relations all acutely raises. It concerns both fundamental and applied science. In this regard, there is interest in the issue of benchmarks and indicators used to measure the effectiveness of the scientists. A special part of the research describes a result, consistency is checked novelty, which is the main criterion of effectiveness research. Library institutions in Ukraine have experienced bibliometric monitoring of documentary communications, surveillance training, and analytical materials on the situation of scientific environment, but it is the lack of theoretical and methodological researches aimed at creating a system of scientific and analytical support of research evaluation and prediction of science development. The introduction of new information technologies was made possible by full-text electronic library facilities resources, significant computing power, developing specialized software for mathematical and statistical methods for information analysis. Complementary set of information, library, bibliographic and scientometric studies plays an important role for quantitative detection of patterns in bibliographic and processes of scientific communication aimed to optimize scientific and information sphere of modern society.

Keywords: bibliometric; bibliometric indicators; library institutions; scientometrics; scientometric evaluation; knowledge society; function libraries.

Author(s) citation:

Medvedeva Anzhelica (2016). Analysis of Evaluation of Scientific Institutions in Ukraine. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (43) 270-284. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.43.270


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