
Being the first collaborator and assistant of Professor Gheorghe Bilaşcu, the founder of Cluj and National School of Dentistry, Dr. Gheorghe Bârlea kept very close to his master in developing the Dental Medicine in Cluj and in Romania, from 1908 to 1936.

From the beginning of his career, he was involved in the establishment of the new Dental Clinic in the University of Superior Dacia as well as in the compilation of the teaching curriculum at the level of the avant-garde universities at that time. He was deeply involved in the recognition of Dentistry as discipline and medical practice and in the official achievement of the law and practice of this profession in Romania. Dr. Bârlea devoted his life and wotk to the cultural and social life of the Romanians, his efforts contributing to the Great Union of Romania.

Passing away at an early age, Dr. Bârlea left Romanian dental profession without an important support.


Gheorghe Bârlea, history of dentistry, dental education