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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 11, 2016

Idiome und ihre kommunikative Leistung

Zur Theorie der informationsstrukturellen Gestaltung von Äußerungen

Idioms and their communicative capacities
On the theory of the information structure of utterances
  • Martine Dalmas EMAIL logo and Dmitrij Dobrovol’skij EMAIL logo


The aim of this paper is to analyze the communicative function of idioms and their constituents in the information structure of an utterance. Usually idioms tend to occupy the final position in a sentence, which correlates with their inherent rhematic properties. However, structural transformations such as fronting, passivization and conversion can lead to changes in their communicative status. Among such changes, we single out (a) topicalization or thematization of the fronted sentence constituent, (b) its focusing or emphatic rhematization, (c) focusing of the postponed constituent, or (d) rhematization of the sentence as a whole, etc. In spite of their lexical stability, idioms make use of the possibilities provided by German syntax. This allows them to contribute to the communicative structuring of utterances.


Die Arbeit ist z. T. im Rahmen des RGNF-Projekts 16-04-00291 entstanden. Für ihre wertvollen Kommentare danken wir Elisabeth Piirainen sowie unseren anonymen Gutachtern.


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