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Sentiment analysis for Polish

  • Aleksander Wawer EMAIL logo


This article is a comprehensive review of freely available tools and software for sentiment analysis of texts written in Polish. It covers solutions which deal with all levels of linguistic analysis: starting from word-level, through phrase-level and up to sentence-level sentiment analysis. Technically, the tools include dictionaries, rule-based systems as well as deep neural networks. The text also describes a solution for finding opinion targets. The article also contains remarks that compare the landscape of available tools in Polish with that for English language. It is useful from the standpoint of multiple disciplines, not only information technology and computer science, but applied linguistics and social sciences.

ORCID 0000-0002-7081-9797


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Published Online: 2019-08-17
Published in Print: 2019-06-26

© 2019 Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

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