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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter March 16, 2021

The β„“-modular representation of reductive groups over finite local rings of length two

  • Nariel Monteiro EMAIL logo
From the journal Journal of Group Theory


Let O 2 and O 2 β€² be two distinct finite local rings of length two with residue field of characteristic 𝑝. Let G ⁒ ( O 2 ) and G ⁒ ( O 2 β€² ) be the groups of points of any reductive group scheme 𝔾 over β„€ such that 𝑝 is very good for G Γ— F q or G = GL n . We prove that there exists an isomorphism of group algebras K ⁒ G ⁒ ( O 2 ) β‰… K ⁒ G ⁒ ( O 2 β€² ) , where 𝐾 is a sufficiently large field of characteristic different from 𝑝.

1 Introduction

Let π’ͺ be a discrete valuation ring with a unique maximal ideal 𝔭 and having finite residue field F q , the field with π‘ž elements where π‘ž is a power of a prime 𝑝. We denote by O r the reduction of π’ͺ modulo p r . Similarly, given O β€² a second discrete valuation ring with the same residue field F q , we can define O r β€² . The complex representation theory of general linear groups over the rings O r has been heavily studied [13]. In particular, it has been conjectured by Onn [8] that there is an isomorphism of group algebras C ⁒ G ⁒ L n ⁒ ( O r ) β‰… C ⁒ G ⁒ L n ⁒ ( O r β€² ) . When r = 2 , this conjecture was proven by Singla [10]. Moreover, assuming 𝑝 is odd, Singla proved a generalization of the conjecture for r = 2 when 𝔾 is either SL n with p ∀ n or the classical groups Sp n , O n , and U n (see [11]). Later on, Stasinski proved it for SL n for all 𝑝 (see [14]). More generally, for a possibly non-classical reductive group, Stasinski and Vera-Gajardo compared the complex representations of the two groups in question [15].

Let us briefly describe the result of Stasinski and Vera-Gajardo. First recall that, for any group scheme 𝔾 over β„€ and any commutative ring 𝑅, we may speak of the group G ⁒ ( R ) of 𝑅-points. We now let 𝔾 be a reductive group scheme over β„€ – for details on such group schemes, see e.g. [2, 3]. Note that for any root datum – see e.g. [3, § II.1.13] – there is a split reductive group scheme 𝔾 over β„€ with this root datum [2, Exp. XXV, Theorem 1.1]. The group G Γ— F q obtained by base-change with the finite field F q of characteristic 𝑝 is a reductive algebraic group over F q , and we want to insist that

(βˆ—) either ⁒ G = GL n ⁑ or ⁒ p ⁒ isΒ  very good Β for ⁒ G Γ— F q ;

we observe that condition (βˆ—) depends only on the root datum of 𝔾 – see [12, Section 4] for the definition of good/very good primes.

Under assumption (βˆ—), Stasinski and Vera-Gajardo proved that

C ⁒ G ⁒ ( O 2 ) β‰… C ⁒ G ⁒ ( O 2 β€² ) .

When G Γ— F q is a classical absolutely simple algebraic group not of type 𝐴, any p > 2 is very good for 𝔾. When G = SL n or SU n , 𝑝 is very good for 𝔾 if and only if n β‰’ 0 ( mod p ) . If G Γ— F q is absolutely simple of exceptional type, any p > 5 is very good for 𝔾; see [12, Section 4.3] for the precise conditions when p ≀ 5 .

We study the β„“-modular representations of such group schemes over O 2 a local ring of length two with finite residue field. One can show that O 2 is isomorphic to one of the following rings: F q ⁒ [ t ] / t 2 or W 2 ⁒ ( F q ) , the ring of Witt vectors of length two over F q (see [15, Lemma 2.1]). Thus, we let G 2 = G ⁒ ( O 2 ) and G 2 β€² = G ⁒ ( O 2 β€² ) , where 𝔾 stands for GL n or a reductive group scheme over β„€ such that 𝑝 is very good for G Γ— F q .

In this paper, we generalize the previous results over β„‚ to results over a sufficiently large field 𝐾 of characteristic l β‰  p . More precisely, we prove that there exists an isomorphism of group algebras K ⁒ G 2 β‰… K ⁒ G 2 β€² over a sufficiently large field 𝐾 of characteristic 𝑙 as long as l β‰  p . We take 𝐾 to be sufficiently large so that the representation theory of the groups over 𝐾 is the same as the representation theory over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 𝑙.

In order for us to understand those two group algebras, we study their decomposition by block algebras. Given 𝐴 a 𝐾-algebra, we define a block of 𝐴 to be a primitive idempotent 𝑏 in the center of 𝐴, which is denoted by Z ⁒ ( A ) ; the algebra A ⁒ b is called a block algebra of 𝐴. By an idempotent, we mean an element 𝑏 such that b 2 = b , and it is primitive if, whenever b = b 1 + b 2 is an expression of 𝑏 as a sum of idempotents such that b 1 ⁒ b 2 = 0 , either b 1 = 0 or b 2 = 0 . Moreover, the block algebra A ⁒ b is an indecomposable two-sided ideal summand of 𝐴. Thus, for a finite group 𝐺, we can write

K ⁒ G = B 1 βŠ• B 2 βŠ• β‹― βŠ• B n ,

where the B i = e i ⁒ K ⁒ G are the unique block algebras of K ⁒ G up to ordering [1]. Moreover, e i β‹… e j = 0 whenever i β‰  j .

We investigate blocks of K ⁒ G which we denote as Bl ⁑ ( G ) . To understand the block algebras of those two group algebras, we exploit the fact that those two groups are extensions of G ⁒ ( F q ) by an abelian 𝑝-group denoted by 𝑁 which is isomorphic to the Lie algebra of G ⁒ ( F q ) denoted by 𝔀 (see [15, Lemma 2.3]). In fact, for the rest of this section, let 𝐺 denote either G 2 or G 2 β€² . Let the map

ρ : G β†’ G ⁒ ( F q )

be the surjective map obtained from the map O 2 β†’ F q with N = ker ⁑ ( ρ ) . The two groups G 2 and G 2 β€² act on 𝔀, via its quotient G ⁒ ( F q ) . This action is transformed by the above isomorphism into the action of 𝐺 on its normal subgroup 𝑁. We explore the details of this action in Section 3. In Section 2, we use Clifford theory to relate blocks of 𝐺 with blocks of 𝑁. Specifically, we have that any block b ∈ Bl ⁑ ( G ) is equal to Tr H G ⁑ ( d ) = βˆ‘ g ∈ G / H g ⁒ d ⁒ g - 1 for 𝑑 in Bl ⁑ ( H ) , where 𝐻 is the stabilizer in 𝐺 for some block 𝑒 of 𝑁. In Section 4, we exploit the fact that Clifford theory, in combination with the results obtained in the characteristic zero case, gives an isomorphism between certain block algebras of the stabilizers of 𝑒 in those two groups. In Section 5, we induce the previous isomorphism to an isomorphism between block algebras of G 2 and G 2 β€² by taking advantage of the fact that blocks of a group algebra are interior 𝐺-algebras. This isomorphism will then give rise to an isomorphism between those two group algebras.

2 Background on Clifford theory of blocks

Let 𝐺 be a finite group and 𝑁 a normal subgroup of 𝐺. We use Clifford theory to relate blocks of K ⁒ G with blocks of K ⁒ N . Given 𝑏 a block of K ⁒ G and 𝑒 a block of K ⁒ N , we say 𝑏 covers 𝑒 if b ⁒ e β‰  0 . We denote the set of blocks of 𝐺 that cover 𝑒 by Bl ⁑ ( G | e ) . Note that there is a natural action of 𝐺 on the set of blocks of 𝑁 by conjugation. Moreover, one can show that, for a fixed 𝑏, the set of blocks 𝑒 of K ⁒ N satisfying b ⁒ e β‰  0 is a 𝐺-conjugacy class of blocks of K ⁒ N (see [5, Proposition 6.8.2]).

We have the following Clifford theorem for blocks of 𝐺.

Theorem 2.1

Theorem 2.1 ([5, Theorem 6.8.3])

Let 𝐺 be a finite group and 𝑁 a normal subgroup of 𝐺. Given a block b ∈ Bl ⁑ ( G ) , we have

  1. there exists a block e ∈ Bl ⁑ ( N ) such that b β‹… e β‰  0 , so b ∈ Bl ⁑ ( G | e ) .

  2. If 𝑒 is as in (1), then b = Tr H G ⁑ ( d ) := βˆ‘ g ∈ G / H g ⁒ d ⁒ g - 1 for a unique block d ∈ Bl ⁑ ( H | e ) , where 𝐻 is the stabilizer of 𝑒 in 𝐺 under the conjugation action.

  3. The assignment d ↦ Tr H G ⁑ ( d ) = b gives a bijection between Bl ⁑ ( H | e ) and Bl ⁑ ( G | e ) .

For more information about Clifford theory of blocks consult Linckelmann [5], Nagao [6], or Craven [1]. Thus, in order for us to understand the block algebras of those two groups, we start by investigating the block structure of e ⁒ K ⁒ H for a fixed block e ∈ Bl ⁑ ( N ) , where as above 𝐻 is the stabilizer of 𝑒 in 𝐺, under the conjugation action. Let Irr K ⁑ ( N ) be the set of irreducible characters of K ⁒ N . Since 𝑙 does not divide | N | (because 𝑁 is a 𝑝-group), any block of K ⁒ N is defined by e = e Ο‡ = Ο‡ ⁒ ( 1 ) | N | ⁒ βˆ‘ g ∈ N Ο‡ ⁒ ( g - 1 ) ⁒ g for some πœ’ in Irr K ⁑ ( N ) (see [7]). Specifically, K ⁒ N is a semisimple algebra and e ⁒ K ⁒ N is a matrix algebra, also called a block of defect zero.

For any 𝛼 in Z 2 ⁒ ( G ; K * ) , we denote by K Ξ± ⁒ G the twisted group algebra of 𝐺 by 𝛼. It has basis as a 𝐾-algebra the elements of 𝐺 and, given x , y ∈ G , we define x β‹… y = Ξ± ⁒ ( x , y ) ⁒ x ⁒ y , where x ⁒ y is the product of π‘₯ and 𝑦 in 𝐺. Furthermore, given a different 𝛽 in Z 2 ⁒ ( G ; K * ) , there is a 𝐺-graded algebra isomorphism K Ξ± ⁒ G β‰… K Ξ² ⁒ G if and only if the classes of 𝛼 and 𝛽 are equal in H 2 ⁒ ( G ; K * ) (see [4]). Thus, for the purpose of this paper, 𝛼 is defined up to an element in the second cohomology group H 2 ⁒ ( G ; K * ) with 𝐺 acting trivially on K * .

Proposition 2.2

Proposition 2.2 ([5, Theorem 6.8.13])

Let 𝐻 be a finite group, 𝑁 a normal subgroup of 𝐻, and 𝑒 an 𝐻-stable block of defect zero of K ⁒ N . Set S = K ⁒ N ⁒ e , and suppose that 𝐾 is a splitting field for 𝑆. Set L = H / N . For any x ∈ H , there is s x ∈ S * such that x ⁒ t ⁒ x - 1 = s x ⁒ t ⁒ ( s x ) - 1 for all t ∈ S and such that s x ⁒ s y = s x ⁒ y if at least one of x , y is in 𝑁. Then the 2-cocycle Ξ± ∈ Z 2 ⁒ ( H ; K * ) defined by s x ⁒ s y = Ξ± ⁒ ( x , y ) ⁒ s x ⁒ y for x , y ∈ N depends only on the images of x , y in 𝐿 and induces a 2-cocycle, still denoted 𝛼, in Z 2 ⁒ ( L ; K * ) , and we have an isomorphism of 𝐾-algebras

e ⁒ K ⁒ H β†’ ∼ S βŠ— K K Ξ± - 1 ⁒ L

sending x ⁒ e to s x βŠ— x Β― , where x ∈ H and x Β― is the image of π‘₯ in 𝐿.

Thus, we can take advantage of the previous proposition to show that

e Ο‡ ⁒ K ⁒ H β‰… e Ο‡ ⁒ K ⁒ N βŠ— K K Ξ± - 1 ⁒ L .

3 The action of G 2 and G 2 β€² on the kernel 𝑁

In this section, we will let 𝐺 denote either G 2 or G 2 β€² . We study the action of 𝐺 on the kernel 𝑁 so we can understand the stabilizer 𝐻 mod 𝑁 and thus we can take advantage of Proposition 2.2. The two groups G 2 and G 2 β€² act on 𝔀, via its quotient G ⁒ ( F q ) . There is a natural adjoint action of G ⁒ ( F q ) on 𝔀,

Ad : G ⁒ ( F q ) β†’ GL ⁑ ( g ) .

Also, there is an automorphism of Οƒ : G ⁒ ( F q ) β†’ G ⁒ ( F q ) given by raising each matrix entry to the 𝑝-th power. Note that 𝜎 composed with Ad gives rise to a second action of G ⁒ ( F q ) on 𝔀. Thus, given X ∈ g , we note that the action of G 2 = G ⁒ ( F q ⁒ [ t ] / t 2 ) and G 2 β€² = G ⁒ ( W 2 ⁒ ( F q ) ) are as follows:

g β‹… 1 X = Ad ⁑ ( g Β― ) ⁒ X for ⁒ g ∈ G 2 ,
g β‹… 2 X = Ad ⁑ ( Οƒ ⁒ ( g Β― ) ) ⁒ X for ⁒ g ∈ G 2 β€² ,
where g Β― = ρ ⁒ ( g ) ; see [15, Section 2.3] for more details. Moreover, we also have actions of both G 2 and G 2 β€² on g * = Hom F q ⁑ ( g , F q ) and Irr K ⁑ ( g ) . Given 𝐹 an element of g * or Irr K ⁑ ( g ) and X ∈ g , we define
( g β‹… 1 F ) ⁒ ( X ) = F ⁒ ( g - 1 β‹… 1 X ) for ⁒ g ∈ G 2 ,
( g β‹… 2 F ) ⁒ ( X ) = F ⁒ ( g - 1 β‹… 2 X ) for ⁒ g ∈ G 2 β€² .
Given a non-trivial irreducible character Ο• : F q β†’ K * and for each Ξ² ∈ g * , we define the character Ο‡ Ξ² ∈ Irr K ⁑ ( g ) by

Ο‡ Ξ² ⁒ ( X ) = Ο• ⁒ ( Ξ² ⁒ ( X ) ) .

Lemma 3.1

Lemma 3.1 ([15, Lemma 4.1])

The map Ξ² ↦ Ο‡ Ξ² defines an isomorphism of abelian groups g * β†’ Irr K ⁑ ( g ) that is 𝐺-invariant, i.e. for g ∈ G , we have

g β‹… 1 Ξ² ↦ g β‹… 1 Ο‡ Ξ²   or   g β‹… 2 Ξ² ↦ g β‹… 2 Ο‡ Ξ² .

Note that there is also an isomorphism of g β‰… N which is 𝐺-invariant [15, Lemma 2.3]. Thus, we can identify the characters of 𝑁 with characters of 𝔀. Given a character πœ’ of 𝑁, we define H 2 and H 2 β€² to be the stabilizer of πœ’ in G 2 and G 2 β€² respectively. Thus, we have the following lemma about the stabilizer of e Ο‡ .

Lemma 3.2

The stabilizer H 2 / N and H 2 β€² / N of e Ο‡ are isomorphic.


Since g β‹… e Ο‡ = e g β‹… Ο‡ , the stabilizer of e Ο‡ is the same as the stabilizer of πœ’ (see [7, Section 9]). Thus, we compute the stabilizer of πœ’. By the discussion above, we can consider πœ’ to be in Irr ⁑ ( g ) ; by Lemma 3.1, we have that Ο‡ = Ο‡ Ξ² for some Ξ² ∈ g * . Thus,

H 2 β€² / N = { g ∈ G ( F q ) : Ad ( Οƒ ( g ) ) Ξ² = Ξ² } = Οƒ ( H 2 / N ) .

Since the map 𝜎 is an automorphism, it follows that H 2 / N β‰… H 2 β€² / N . ∎

4 The isomorphism of e ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 and e ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β€²

In this section, we prove that there is an isomorphism of block algebras e ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 and e ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β€² , where e = e Ο‡ for πœ’ in Irr K ⁑ ( N ) such that H 2 and H 2 β€² are the stabilizer of 𝑒 in G 2 and G 2 β€² respectively. To prove this isomorphism, we take advantage of Proposition 2.2. In order to do so, we need to understand the cofactors 𝛼 associated to e ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 and e ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β€² . We prove that the cofactor 𝛼 is trivial in both cases. For this, we introduce a projective 𝐾-representation of 𝐺 with factor set 𝛼. By which, we mean a map X : G β†’ G ⁒ L n ⁒ ( K ) such that X ⁒ ( x ) ⁒ X ⁒ ( y ) = Ξ± ⁒ ( x ⁒ y ) ⁒ X ⁒ ( x ⁒ y ) for all x , y in 𝐺, where Ξ± ⁒ ( x ⁒ y ) is in K * . In fact, one can check that 𝛼 is in Z 2 ⁒ ( G ; K * ) , where we assume that 𝐺 acts on K * trivially. Similarly, one can define a projective representation as a K Ξ± ⁒ G -module [6]. We let 𝐻 denote either H 2 or H 2 β€² . The projective representations of 𝐻 are closely related to Clifford theory. In fact, we can use Proposition 2.2 to show that there is a projective representation 𝑉 of 𝐻 that extends πœ’. By that, we mean that 𝑉 viewed as K ⁒ N -module is isomorphic to the K ⁒ N -module associated to πœ’.

Proposition 4.1

Let Ξ± ∈ Z 2 ⁒ ( H ; K * ) be the 2-cocyle associated to the block e Ο‡ of K ⁒ N , as in Proposition 2.2. There exists a projective representation of 𝐻 extending πœ’ which has 𝛼 as its associated cofactor.


Let π‘Œ be the representation associated to πœ’, i.e. Y : N β†’ GL n ⁒ ( K ) . Let 𝑅 be a set of representatives of L = H / N in 𝐻 and S = K ⁒ N ⁒ e . For each x ∈ R , by Proposition 2.2, there is some s x ∈ S * such that x ⁒ t ⁒ x - 1 = s x ⁒ t ⁒ ( s x ) - 1 for all t ∈ S . Note also, since 𝑒 is an 𝐻-stable block of defect zero of K ⁒ N , then we have S = K ⁒ N ⁒ e β‰… M n ⁒ ( K ) . With abuse of notation, we can think of s x as an element of GL n ⁒ ( K ) . Now define 𝑋 to be the map X : H β†’ GL n ⁒ ( K ) such that, for each h = x ⁒ n ∈ H , we have X ⁒ ( h ) = s x ⁒ Y ⁒ ( n ) with x ∈ R and n ∈ N . One can check that 𝑋 as defined above is a projective representation of 𝐻 with factor set 𝛼 in Z 2 ⁒ ( L ; K * ) that extends π‘Œ. ∎

Proposition 4.1 associates a cocycle 𝛼 to a projective 𝐾-representation of 𝐻 that extends πœ’; to study this cocycle, we study a corresponding projective representation of 𝐻 over a field of characteristic 0. To relate them, we need an 𝑙-modular system. By this, we mean a triple ( F ; R ; K ) , where 𝐹 is a field of characteristic zero equipped with a discrete valuation, 𝑅 is the valuation ring in 𝐹 with maximal ideal ( Ο€ ) , and K = R / ( Ο€ ) is the residue field of 𝑅, which is required to have characteristic 𝑙. If both 𝐹 and 𝐾 are splitting fields for 𝐺, we say that the triple is a splitting 𝑙-modular system for 𝐺. Note, we need an 𝑙-modular system so we can relate representations over a field 𝐹 of characteristic zero to representations over a field 𝐾 of characteristic 𝑙. The following lemma shows that, given a projective representation over 𝐹, we can obtain a projective representation over 𝑅. Note that this lemma is just a generalization of the already known fact over group algebras that can be extended to hold over twisted group algebras. In fact, the proof is the same; see [9, Lemma 2.2.2].

Lemma 4.2

Let 𝐺 be a finite group and 𝑀 an F Ξ± ⁒ G -module with Ξ± ∈ Z 2 ⁒ ( G ; R * ) . Then 𝑀 contains a lattice 𝐿 that is an R Ξ± ⁒ G -module.


Note, by [9, Lemma 2.2.1], to show that 𝐿 is a lattice of 𝑀, it is enough to show that 𝐿 is finitely generated as an 𝑅-module and 𝐿 generates 𝑀 as an 𝐹-vector space. Thus, pick an 𝐹 basis e 1 , … , e n of 𝑀; then let

L β€² := R ⁒ e 1 + β‹― + R ⁒ e n

be a lattice of 𝑀. Let L := βˆ‘ g ∈ G g ⁒ L β€² ; then 𝐿 is an R Ξ± ⁒ G -module. Note that 𝐿 is finitely generated as an 𝑅-module by { g ⁒ e i : 1 ≀ i ≀ n , g ∈ G } , and it also generates 𝑀 as a vector space. Thus, 𝐿 is a 𝐺-invariant lattice. ∎

Before we introduce the following theorem, recall that a block of defect zero may be defined as a matrix algebra. Moreover, by Proposition 4.3, such a block is a ring summand of K ⁒ G which has a projective simple module.

Proposition 4.3

Proposition 4.3 ([17, Theorem 9.6.1])

Let ( F ; R ; K ) be a splitting 𝑝-modular system in which 𝑅 is complete, and let 𝐺 be a group of order p d ⁒ q , where π‘ž is prime to 𝑝. Let 𝑇 be an F ⁒ G -module of dimension 𝑛, containing a full R ⁒ G -sublattice T 0 . The following are equivalent:

  1. p d | n and 𝑇 is a simple F ⁒ G -module.

  2. The homomorphism R ⁒ G β†’ End R ⁒ ( T 0 ) that gives the action of R ⁒ G on T 0 identifies End R ⁒ ( T 0 ) β‰… M n ⁒ ( R ) with a ring direct summand of R ⁒ G .

  3. 𝑇 is a simple F ⁒ G -module, and T 0 is a projective R ⁒ G -module.

  4. The homomorphism K ⁒ G β†’ End K ⁒ ( T 0 / Ο€ ⁒ T 0 ) identifies

    End K ⁒ ( T 0 / Ο€ ⁒ T 0 ) β‰… M n ⁒ ( K )

    with a ring direct summand of K ⁒ G .

  5. As a K ⁒ G -module, T 0 / Ο€ ⁒ T 0 is simple and projective.

Most importantly, by Proposition 4.3, a block of defect zero can have only one simple module, and there is a unique ordinary simple module that reduces to it. This is used in the proof of the following theorem.

Theorem 4.4

Given an 𝐻-stable block e Ο‡ of defect zero of K ⁒ N , where N ⁒ ⊴ ⁒ H , let 𝑉 be the unique ordinary simple module associated to this block. According to Proposition 4.1, let V ^ be the projective representation of 𝐻 that extends 𝑉, with cofactor Ξ± ^ in Z 2 ⁒ ( H / N ; R * ) . Any 𝐻-invariant lattice of V ^ , call it 𝐿, gives rise to a K Ξ± ⁒ H -module that extends the simple projective K ⁒ N -module associated to e Ο‡ , where Ξ± = Ξ± ^ mod ( Ο€ ) .


Let V ^ be as above, so V ^ is an F Ξ± ^ ⁒ H -module such that Res N H ⁑ ( V ^ ) ≃ V as an F ⁒ N -module. Now, by Lemma 4.2, take 𝐿 to be an 𝐻-invariant lattice of V ^ ; then consider its reduction to a K Ξ± ⁒ H -module, call it L Β― := K βŠ— R L . Note that 𝐿 is also an 𝑁-invariant lattice of 𝑉, the unique simple ordinary module associated to the block e Ο‡ . Thus, by Proposition 4.3, the reduction of 𝐿 is a simple module of K ⁒ N . Therefore, Res N H ⁑ ( L Β― ) is isomorphic to the simple module associated to this block. One can conclude that L Β― is a K Ξ± ⁒ H -module that extends the simple projective K ⁒ N -module associated to e Ο‡ , where Ξ± = Ξ± ^ mod ( Ο€ ) . ∎

Proposition 4.5

The 𝛼 obtained from Theorem 4.4 is trivial.


Note, by work of Stasinski and Vera-Gajardo, it was proven that any πœ’ element of Irr F ⁑ ( N ) extends to its stabilizer 𝐻 (see [15, Proposition 4.5]). Thus, by Proposition 4.1, the cofactor associated to the extension of πœ’ is trivial over 𝐹, i.e. Ξ± ^ = 1 . By Theorem 4.4, there is a K Ξ± ⁒ H -module L Β― that extends the simple projective module associated to e Ο‡ , where Ξ± = Ξ± ^ mod ( Ο€ ) = 1 . Thus, 𝛼 is trivial. ∎

We recall the following result from Lemma 3.2 that the stabilizer H 2 and H 2 β€² of πœ’ are isomorphic mod ⁑ N , i.e. H 2 / N ≃ H 2 β€² / N . We will denote this quotient by L := H 2 / N ≃ H 2 β€² / N .

Theorem 4.6

There exists an isomorphism of block algebras between e ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 and e ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β€² , where e = e Ο‡ for πœ’ in Irr K ⁑ ( N ) and H 2 and H 2 β€² are the stabilizer of 𝑒 in G 2 and G 2 β€² respectively.


We can apply Proposition 2.2 since 𝑒 is 𝐻-stable block of defect zero of K ⁒ N . Thus, we have an isomorphism of 𝐾-algebras

Ξ¦ : e ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β‰… e ⁒ K ⁒ N βŠ— K K ⁒ L β‰… e ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β€²

since, by Proposition 4.5, α - 1 is trivial. ∎

5 The isomorphism of K ⁒ G 2 and K ⁒ G 2 β€²

The following results about interior 𝐺-algebras will be useful in order to prove the isomorphism of those two group algebras. Note first that a 𝐺-algebra over a field 𝐾 is a 𝐾-algebra 𝐴 together with an action of 𝐺 on 𝐴 by 𝐾-algebra automorphisms. An interior 𝐺-algebra is a 𝐺-algebra where the action of 𝐺 is given by inner automorphism induced from a group homomorphism G β†’ A * , where A * denotes the group of units of 𝐴. The examples to keep in mind are that K ⁒ G and b ⁒ K ⁒ G are interior 𝐺-algebras with 𝐺 acting by conjugation, where b ∈ Bl ⁑ ( G ) .

Given 𝐻 a subgroup of 𝐺 and 𝐡 an interior 𝐻-algebra, we define Ind H G ⁒ ( B ) to be the 𝐾-module K ⁒ G βŠ— K ⁒ H B βŠ— K ⁒ H K ⁒ G , and one can put an interior 𝐺-algebra structure on Ind H G ⁒ ( B ) . For more details on the interior 𝐺-algebra structure on Ind H G ⁒ ( B ) , one can consult ThΓ©venaz’s book on 𝐺-algebras and modular representation theory [16]. In fact, the following lemma shows that, as a 𝐾-algebra, one can think of Ind H G ⁒ ( B ) as a matrix algebra over 𝐡.

Lemma 5.1

Lemma 5.1 ([16, Lemma 16.1])

Let 𝐻 be a subgroup of 𝐺 of index n, and 𝐡 an interior 𝐻-algebra. Then we have Ind H G ⁒ ( B ) β‰… M n ⁒ ( B ) as 𝐾-algebras.

In the following proposition, we will see that, given certain conditions, there is a way of relating the algebra obtained by the induction from 𝐻 to 𝐺 of a certain 𝐻-algebra with the algebra obtained by the idempotent Tr H G ⁑ ( i ) , where 𝑖 is an idempotent fixed by 𝐻. Given 𝐴 an interior 𝐺-algebra, we will denote the set of elements of 𝐴 fixed by 𝐻 as A H and 1 A as the multiplicative identity of 𝐴.

Proposition 5.2

Proposition 5.2 ([16, Proposition 16.6])

Let 𝐴 be an interior 𝐺-algebra, and let 𝐻 be a subgroup of 𝐺. Assume that there exists an idempotent i ∈ A H such that 1 A = Tr H G ⁑ ( i ) and i g ⁒ i = 0 for all g ∈ G - H . Then there is an isomorphism of interior 𝐺-algebras

F : Ind H G ⁒ ( i ⁒ A ⁒ i ) ≃ A

given by x βŠ— b βŠ— y ↦ x β‹… b β‹… y ( x , y ∈ G , b ∈ i ⁒ A ⁒ i ).

We use Proposition 5.2 to prove the following.

Proposition 5.3

Given a block 𝑏 of K ⁒ G 2 , there is a block Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( b ) of K ⁒ G 2 β€² such that the 𝐾-algebras b ⁒ K ⁒ G 2 and Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( b ) ⁒ K ⁒ G 2 β€² are isomorphic.


Fix Ο‡ ∈ Irr ⁑ ( N ) up to conjugation by 𝐺, and let e = e Ο‡ be a primitive idempotent of K ⁒ N ; now fix a block b ∈ Bl ⁑ ( G 2 | e ) such that, by Clifford’s theorem (Theorem 2.1), we have b = Tr H 2 G 2 ⁑ ( d ) for some primitive idempotent 𝑑 of K ⁒ H 2 , where H 2 is the stabilizer of 𝑒 in G 2 . Note that, by Theorem 4.6, we have that Ξ¦ : e ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β‰… e ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β€² as 𝐾-algebras. Now the map Ξ¦ gives a bijection between Bl ⁑ ( H 2 | e ) and Bl ⁑ ( H 2 β€² | e ) such that Ξ¦ : d ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β‰… Ξ¦ ⁒ ( d ) ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β€² for each d ∈ Bl ⁑ ( H 2 | e ) . Moreover, Theorem 2.1 tells us there is a bijection between Bl ⁑ ( G | e ) and Bl ⁑ ( H | e ) . Thus, we obtain a bijection between Bl ⁑ ( G 2 | e ) and Bl ⁑ ( G 2 β€² | e ) by the map

b ↦ Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( b ) = Tr H 2 β€² G 2 β€² ⁑ ( Ξ¦ ⁒ ( d ) ) .

Let A = b ⁒ K ⁒ G 2 , so 1 A = b = Tr H 2 G 2 ⁑ ( d ) . Note that d β‹… b = d , so d ∈ A H 2 and d g ⁒ d = 0 for g ∈ G 2 - H 2 (see [5, proof of Lemma 6.8.4]). Thus, we have that

d ⁒ A ⁒ d = d ⁒ b ⁒ K ⁒ G 2 ⁒ d = d ⁒ K ⁒ G 2 ⁒ d = d ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 ⁒ d = d ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 .

Thus, by Proposition 5.2, there is an isomorphism of interior G 2 -algebras:

Ind H 2 G 2 ⁒ ( d ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 ) β‰… b ⁒ K ⁒ G 2 .

Note by Lemma 5.1 that Ind H 2 G 2 ⁒ ( d ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 ) β‰… M n ⁒ ( d ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 ) as 𝐾-algebras, with n = | G 2 : H 2 | = | G 2 β€² : H 2 β€² | . Since Ξ¦ : d ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β‰… Ξ¦ ⁒ ( d ) ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β€² , we conclude that

Ξ¦ ^ : b ⁒ K ⁒ G 2 β‰… Ind H 2 G 2 ⁒ ( d ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 ) β‰… Ind H 2 β€² G 2 β€² ⁒ ( Ξ¦ ⁒ ( d ) ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β€² ) β‰… Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( b ) ⁒ K ⁒ G 2 β€² .

Thus, we have that b ⁒ K ⁒ G 2 and Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( b ) ⁒ K ⁒ G 2 β€² are isomorphic as 𝐾-algebras. ∎

With the above 𝐾-algebra isomorphism, we define a map Ξ¨ : K ⁒ G 2 β†’ K ⁒ G 2 β€² such that Ξ¨ ⁒ ( a ) = βˆ‘ b ∈ Bl ⁑ ( G 2 ) Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( a β‹… b ) for a ∈ K ⁒ G 2 and show that this map is an isomorphism of 𝐾-algebras.

Theorem 5.4

Let G 2 = G ⁒ ( O 2 ) and G 2 β€² = G ⁒ ( O 2 β€² ) be the group of points of any reductive group scheme 𝔾 over β„€ such that 𝑝 is very good for G Γ— F q or G = GL n . There exists an isomorphism of group algebra K ⁒ G ⁒ ( O 2 ) β‰… K ⁒ G ⁒ ( O 2 β€² ) , where 𝐾 is a sufficiently large field of characteristic different from 𝑝.


Define the map Ξ¨ : K ⁒ G 2 β†’ K ⁒ G 2 β€² by

Ξ¨ ⁒ ( x ) = βˆ‘ b ∈ Bl ⁑ ( G 2 ) Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( x ⁒ b )   for ⁒ x ∈ K ⁒ G 2 .

First, we show that Ξ¨ is an algebra homomorphism. Note that, by definition, it is a linear map since each of the Ξ¦ ^ from Proposition 5.3 are. Now, given π‘₯ and 𝑦 both in K ⁒ G 2 , we want to show that Ξ¨ ⁒ ( x ⁒ y ) = Ξ¨ ⁒ ( x ) ⁒ Ξ¨ ⁒ ( y ) . To prove this, it is sufficient to show that different blocks of G 2 are mapped to different blocks of G 2 β€² . Because if they are, we have that

Ξ¨ ⁒ ( x ) ⁒ Ξ¨ ⁒ ( y ) = βˆ‘ b ∈ Bl ⁑ ( G 2 ) Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( x ⁒ b ) β‹… βˆ‘ b ∈ Bl ⁑ ( G 2 ) Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( y ⁒ b ) = βˆ‘ b ∈ Bl ⁑ ( G 2 ) Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( x ⁒ b ) β‹… Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( y ⁒ b )

since the products of elements of different blocks are zero. Moreover, by Ξ¦ ^ being a 𝐾-algebra homomorphism for each block 𝑏, we have

Ξ¨ ⁒ ( x ) ⁒ Ξ¨ ⁒ ( y ) = βˆ‘ b ∈ Bl ⁑ ( G 2 ) Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( x ⁒ b ) β‹… Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( y ⁒ b ) = βˆ‘ b ∈ Bl ⁑ ( G 2 ) Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( x ⁒ b ⁒ y ⁒ b ) = βˆ‘ b ∈ Bl ⁑ ( G 2 ) Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( x ⁒ y ⁒ b ) = Ξ¨ ⁒ ( x ⁒ y ) .

Now, to show that different blocks of G 2 are mapped to different blocks of G 2 β€² , we look at two cases. Let 𝑏 and 𝑐 be two different blocks of G 2 .

Case 1: Assume 𝑏 and 𝑐 cover the same block 𝑒 of K ⁒ N . Thus, by Clifford’s theorem (Theorem 2.1), b = Tr H 2 G 2 ⁑ ( d 1 ) and c = Tr H 2 G 2 ⁑ ( d 2 ) such that d 1 β‹… d 2 = 0 . Recall by Theorem 4.6 that the map Ξ¦ : e ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β‰… e ⁒ K ⁒ H 2 β€² is a 𝐾-algebra isomorphism, and thus Ξ¦ ⁒ ( d 1 ) ⁒ Ξ¦ ⁒ ( d 2 ) = 0 . Applying Theorem 2.1 for the blocks of K ⁒ G 2 β€² over 𝑒, we have that

Tr H 2 β€² G 2 β€² ⁑ ( Ξ¦ ⁒ ( d 1 ) ) β‰  Tr H 2 β€² G 2 β€² ⁑ ( Ξ¦ ⁒ ( d 2 ) )

since Ξ¦ ⁒ ( d 1 ) β‰  Ξ¦ ⁒ ( d 2 ) . Thus, Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( b ) β‰  Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( c ) .

Case 2: Assume 𝑏 and 𝑐 cover different blocks e 1 and e 2 of K ⁒ N respectively. Note, to prove that Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( b ) β‰  Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( c ) , it is enough to show that they cover different blocks of K ⁒ N as blocks of G 2 β€² . Assume the opposite. By definition of the map Ξ¦ ^ , we also have that Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( b ) and Ξ¦ ^ ⁒ ( c ) cover the blocks e 1 and e 2 of K ⁒ N respectively. Thus, by [5, Proposition 6.8.2], we have that e 1 and e 2 are G 2 β€² -conjugated blocks. Since K ⁒ N is a semisimple algebra, i.e. all the blocks have defect zero, e 1 and e 2 are defined by unique irreducible characters πœ’ and 𝜏 of K ⁒ N . Thus, e 1 and e 2 are G 2 β€² -conjugated blocks if and only if πœ’ and 𝜏 are G 2 β€² -conjugated characters. If Ο‡ g = Ο„ for some g ∈ G 2 β€² , then for any h ∈ G 2 such that h Β― = Οƒ ⁒ ( g Β― ) , we have Ο‡ h = Ο„ , where the bars denote reductions to the residue field F q . Thus, if πœ’ and 𝜏 are G 2 β€² -conjugated characters, then πœ’ and 𝜏 are also G 2 -conjugated. Thus, e 1 and e 2 are G 2 -conjugated. This is a contradiction with the fact that 𝑏 and 𝑐 cover different blocks e 1 and e 2 of K ⁒ N .

Therefore, we can conclude that different blocks of G 2 are mapped to different blocks of G 2 β€² . Hence, we have an algebra homomorphism from Ξ¨ : K ⁒ G 2 β†’ K ⁒ G 2 β€² , and since each Ξ¦ ^ is injective and maps different blocks to different blocks, we can conclude Ξ¨ is an injective map. Thus, by dimension reasons, Ξ¨ is also surjective. Therefore, K ⁒ G 2 β‰… K ⁒ G 2 β€² as 𝐾-algebras. ∎

Award Identifier / Grant number: DMS-1454767

Funding statement: This research was partially supported by Thesis Writing Fellowship, Noah Snyder’s NSF CAREER Grant DMS-1454767.


I am extremely grateful to my advisor George McNinch for suggesting this project and his invaluable guidance and support throughout it. I thank Alexander Stasinski for reading a first draft of this article and providing very valuable and constructive feedback.

  1. Communicated by: Robert Guralnick


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Received: 2020-09-16
Revised: 2021-02-10
Published Online: 2021-03-16
Published in Print: 2021-09-01

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