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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter June 4, 2015

Image of the braid groups inside the finite Iwahori–Hecke algebras

  • Olivier Brunat EMAIL logo , Kay Magaard and Ivan Marin


The Iwahori–Hecke algebras of type A are deformations of the group algebras of the symmetric groups, and can be defined as quotients of the group algebras of the braid groups. We determine the image of the braid groups inside these algebras, when defined over a finite field, in the semisimple case, and for suitably large (but controllable) order of the defining (quantum) parameter.


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Received: 2014-2-3
Revised: 2015-1-5
Published Online: 2015-6-4
Published in Print: 2017-12-1

© 2017 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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