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The Paradigm Revolution in the Distribution Grid: The Cutting-Edge and Enabling Technologies

  • C M Thasnimol EMAIL logo and R. Rajathy
From the journal Open Computer Science


Bi-directional information and energy flow, renewable energy sources, battery energy storage, electric vehicle, self-healing capability, and demand response programs, etc., revolutionized the traditional distribution network into the smart distribution network. Adoption of modern technologies like intelligent meters such as advanced metering infrastructure & Micro-phasor measurement units, data storage, and analysis techniques and incentive-based electricity trading mechanisms can bring this paradigm shift. This study presents an overview of popular technologies that facilitate this transformation, giving focus on some prime technologies such as real-time monitoring based on Micro-phasor measurement units, data storage and analytics, blockchain technology, multi-agent systems, and incentive-based energy trading mechanisms


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Received: 2019-08-09
Accepted: 2020-01-21
Published Online: 2020-11-04

© 2020 Thasnimol C M et al., published by De Gruyter

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