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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter June 5, 2020

La variación formal de los cuantificadores en catalán: estudio diacrónico (siglos XV‒XX)

  • Joan-Rafael Ramos EMAIL logo


This article studies the formal variation of the existential quantifiers u/un (‘one; a, an’), algú/algun (‘someone; some’), ningú/ningun (‘no one, anyone; any’) and the distributive universal quantifier cada u/cada un (‘everyone’) in Catalan. The research is based on an extensive diachronic corpus of texts written between the 15th and 20th centuries. The author classifies the syntactic structures of these quantifiers and analyses their meaning and formal vacillations: apocopated form (without ‑n) vs. non-apocopated form (with ‑n). Although hesitations tend to disappear gradually during the period under analysis, the uses of these quantifiers change in Catalan dialects. In fact, distinct geographical areas adopt different distributions of form and function. These linguistic changes are explained, highlighting the mutual influences and interactions between phono-syntactic, phonological, analogical and pragmatic factors.

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Este estudio forma parte del proyecto de investigación Variación y cambio lingüístico en catalán. Una aproximación diacrónica según la lingüística de corpus, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades del Gobierno español (Ref. PGC2018-099399-B-I00).

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Published Online: 2020-06-05
Published in Print: 2020-06-04

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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