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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 9, 2016

El cambio semántico del verbo pegar en catalán (siglos XIII–XXI)

  • Joan-Rafael Ramos EMAIL logo


This article studies the polysemy of the verb pegar from a diachronic perspective. The study is based on research conducted on an extensive corpus of texts written between the 13th and 21st centuries, as well as on the information provided by different historical dictionaries. The author identifies the different meanings acquired by the verb pegar by documenting and dating them. The analysis shows that the meanings that are most directly related with the etymological sense of sticking gradually become obsolete. In contrast, new meanings connected with them are generated, one of the most important being the sense of ‘to touch with a certain amount of violence or intensity, to hit’. The interpretation of the semantic change was carried out within the theoretical model of cognitive linguistics. Following this theoretical perspective, a radial semantic network is proposed as a way to illustrate the relations among the different senses. Furthermore, the interconnections and overlapping of the meanings, largely produced by metonymic and metaphoric inferences, are also explained.

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Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación Continuación de la Gramática del catalán moderno (1601–1833), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno español (MINECO: ref. FFI2015-69694-P).

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Published Online: 2016-9-9
Published in Print: 2016-9-1

© 2016 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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