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Variable coding and object alignment in Spanish: A corpus-based approach

  • José M. García-Miguel EMAIL logo
From the journal Folia Linguistica


This article discusses three variable coding properties of Spanish objects: flagging (a-marking vs. ø-marking), indexing (clitic doubling vs. no doubling), and clitic case form (accusative lo vs. dative le). These properties are essential for the formal identification of grammatical relations. They are triggered by similar parameters that partly overlap and partly show distinct distributions, yet they also challenge the boundaries between direct objects [DO] and indirect objects [IO] and raise the question whether the typological alignment of Spanish (di)transitive clauses is indirective or secundative. The study draws on quantitative and qualitative corpus data on formal, semantic, and discourse properties of core participants in Spanish clauses, relating these properties to the distribution of variable coding. It is concluded that a-marking, clitic doubling, and leísmo are less frequently employed than unmarked objects, no doubling, and accusative case for clitics, that Spanish DO and IO must be taken as extreme points of a more general Object syntactic function, and that, in general, all variable object coding follows an indirective alignment type. Consequently, animate and topical objects are considered as formally and functionally marked atypical objects both in monotransitive and ditransitive clauses.


I wish to thank two anonymous reviewers from Folia Linguistica for their interesting remarks, which have greatly improved this contribution. Very preliminary versions of this research were presented at several places (UCSB, UNAM, KU Leuven, Helsinki). I thank those audiences for comments, as well as Victoria Vázquez-Rozas, Maruxa Cabeza, Martin Haspelmath, and Frank Seifart, for their helpful reading and discussion of earlier fragments of this paper, and Jeff Beasley and Hubert Cuyckens for editing assistance. Research leading to the ADESSE database was founded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and its predecessors (BFF2002-01197, HUM2005-01573, FFI2008-01953). This research has also benefited from mobility grants PR2005-0412 and PRX12/00681 from the Spanish Ministry of Education


1/2/3=first/second/third person; acc=accusative; dat=dative; def=definite; f=feminine; fut=future; ipfv=imperfective; m=masculine; pfv=perfective; pl=plural; pst=past; sg=singular; sbjv=subjunctive

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Received: 2014-10-2
Revised: 2013-6-27
Revised: 2014-7-10
Accepted: 2014-11-2
Published Online: 2015-4-28
Published in Print: 2015-5-1

©2015 by De Gruyter Mouton

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