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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter October 2, 2012

The (r1,...,rp)-Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind

  • Miloud Mihoubi EMAIL logo and Mohammed Said Maamra
From the journal Integers


Let be subsets of the finite set with and for all , . The (r1,...,rp)-Stirling number of the second kind, introduced in this paper and denoted by , counts the number of partitions of the set into k classes (or blocks) such that the elements in each , , are in different classes (or blocks). Combinatorial and algebraic properties of these numbers are explored.

Received: 2011-12-18
Revised: 2012-04-01
Accepted: 2012-05-18
Published Online: 2012-10-02
Published in Print: 2012-10-01

© 2012 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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