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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter January 1, 2012

Ricci flow of non-collapsed three manifolds whose Ricci curvature is bounded from below

  • Miles Simon EMAIL logo


We consider complete (possibly non-compact) three dimensional Riemannian manifolds (M, g) such that: (a) (M, g) is non-collapsed (i.e. the volume of an arbitrary ball of radius one is bounded from below by v > 0), (b) the Ricci curvature of (M, g) is bounded from below by k, (c) the geometry at infinity of (M, g) is not too extreme (or (M, g) is compact). Given such initial data (M, g) we show that a Ricci flow exists for a short time interval 0, T), where TT(v, k) > 0. This enables us to construct a Ricci flow of any (possibly singular) metric space (X, d) which arises as a GromovHausdorff (GH) limit of a sequence of 3-manifolds which satisfy (a), (b) and (c) uniformly. As a corollary we show that such an X must be a manifold. This shows that the conjecture of M. AndersonJ. CheegerT. ColdingG. Tian is correct in dimension three.

Received: 2009-11-17
Revised: 2009-12-01
Published Online: 2012-January
Published in Print: 2012-January

Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York 2012

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