Empirical analysis of regional technological innovation efficiency under the background of talent sharing based on SAF model
by Wei Ji; Biaoxin Chen; Hanying Gan; Xiaoci Zhang
International Journal of Sustainable Development (IJSD), Vol. 27, No. 1/2, 2024

Abstract: Regional technological innovation is an important driving force for promoting rapid economic growth. Therefore, this article proposes an empirical study on the efficiency of regional technological innovation in the context of talent sharing based on the SAF model. Taking the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area as the research object, determine the evolution process of regional technological innovation in the Greater Bay Area, set principles for selecting efficiency measurement data, select regional technological innovation input and output data from five key cities in the past 20 years, design a regional technological innovation efficiency analysis model based on the SAF model, and empirically verify the technological innovation efficiency of the Greater Bay Area. The empirical results indicate that the innovation efficiency of the Greater Bay Area region is relatively good, with Shenzhen and Hong Kong increasing their technological innovation efficiency to 1.00 and 0.93 respectively.

Online publication date: Thu, 08-Feb-2024

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