Career Exploration at an Appalachian University: Effectiveness and Pre-Existing Resources

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Christen Tomlinson Logue
Brittany M. Zins, M.A.
Sarah M. FLynn
Chris J. Dewhurst, M.Ed.


Many universities offer career exploration courses designed to assist students in making effective career choices; however, it remains unclear whether pre-existing resources have a significant influence on students’ ability to benefit. The purpose of this study was (a) to measure the efficacy of a career exploration course at an Appalachian institution in improving college and career decision self-efficacy and (b) to determine if the following pre-existing resources, academic readiness, academic achievement, and familial financial resources, were significant predictors of post-test college and career decision self-efficacy scores. Participants were 127 traditionally-aged, undergraduate students at a private, Appalachian university enrolled in a 15-week career exploration course. Paired samples t-tests revealed a significant positive change from pre to post-test for college and career decision self-efficacy; however, hierarchical linear regression analyses revealed no significant influence of the pre-existing resources on post-test scores for either construct. 


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How to Cite
Logue, C. T., Zins, M.A., B. M., FLynn, S. M., & Dewhurst, M.Ed., C. J. (2019). Career Exploration at an Appalachian University: Effectiveness and Pre-Existing Resources. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 19(3).
Author Biographies

Christen Tomlinson Logue, University of the Cumberlands

Dr. Logue is Interim Program Director of the Psy.D. program in Clinical Psychology, Director of the Psychological Services Clinic, Director of the Northern Kentucky Campus, and Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at University of the Cumberlands.

Brittany M. Zins, M.A., University of Cumberlands

Brittany Zins, M.A. is a graduate student in the Clinical Psychology program at University of the Cumberlands.

Sarah M. FLynn, University of the Cumberlands

Dr. Flynn is Director of Research and Associate Professor in the Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology program at University of the Cumberlands.

Chris J. Dewhurst, M.Ed., University of the Cumberlands

Chris J. Dewhurst, M.Ed. is a graduate student in the Clinical Psychology program at University of the Cumberlands.


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