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Cross-feeding modulates the rate and mechanism of antibiotic resistance evolution in a model microbial community of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica

Fig 2

Resistance evolves more slowly in co-culture-evolved populations vs. monoculture-evolved populations. Six replicate populations each of monocultures and co-cultures were evolved along a rifampicin gradient (A-B) or an ampicillin gradient (C-D); gradients were identical for monocultures and co-cultures. Population MICs for each species (E. coli A, C; S. enterica B, D) were measured each transfer and the resulting MICs plotted. Statistical analysis was performed using a mixed-effects model with a randomized slope for each replicate within a culture type. The fitted slopes for each treatment are indicated by the dashed lines. P-values are for the interaction term between passage and culture type. Error bars represent the standard deviation of MIC among the six replicates.

Fig 2
