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Defining cooperative roles for colonic microbiota and Muc2 mucin in mediating innate host defense against Entamoeba histolytica

Fig 1

Gross pathology of colonic loops in Muc2+/+, Muc2-/- and germ-free (GF) mice inoculated with Entamoeba histolytica (Eh).

Eh-colonic loops were performed in antibiotic treated (Abx) and untreated Muc2+/+ and Muc2-/- littermates and in GF mice. Gross pathology was measured and scored among treatments as indicated in Material and Methods. (A) Eh inoculated in Muc2+/+ colons elicited extensive mucoid secretions with bloating. (B) Eh in Muc2-/- mice showed a similar ballooning effect with abundant watery secretion under intense pressure. (C) Colonic loops in GF mice evoked a less robust watery/mucoid secretions with less ballooning as Muc2 genotypes. (D) Gross pathology score of colons. Note no differences in gross pathology were observed among Eh-inoculated groups compared to homologous controls. n = 6, *** P < 0.001.

Fig 1
