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N6-methyladenosine modification and the YTHDF2 reader protein play cell type specific roles in lytic viral gene expression during Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection

Fig 2

KSHV mRNA contains m6A modifications.

(A) Two independent replicates of iSLK.219 cells containing latent KSHV were treated with dox for 5 days to induce the viral lytic cycle (induced) or left untreated to preserve viral latency (uninduced). DNase-treated RNA was isolated and subjected to m6Aseq. Displayed are peaks with a fold change of four or higher, comparing reads in the m6A-IP to the corresponding input. Numbers above peaks correspond to the base position within the KSHV genome. (B) Overview of sequencing reads from induced and uninduced m6A IP samples, aligned to the ORF50 transcript and the annotated GG(m6A)C consensus motifs found in exon 2 of ORF50. Numbers to the left of sequencing reads indicate the scale of the read count. (C) Cells were induced as in (A), and total RNA was subjected to m6A RIP, followed by RT-qPCR using primers for the indicated viral and cellular genes. Values are displayed as fold change over input, normalized to GAPDH. (D) Quantification of cellular m6A peaks from m6Aseq analysis.

Fig 2
