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Acquisition of functions on the outer capsid surface during evolution of double-stranded RNA fungal viruses

Fig 3

Atomic model of P4.

Top, ribbon diagram of the RnQV1 W1118 P4 capsid protein (side view), rainbow-colored from blue (N terminus) to red (C terminus). The N and C termini are indicated. Bottom, sequence and SSE analysis of the 1059-residue P4, rainbow-colored from blue (N terminus) to red (C terminus). The C-terminal 54-residue segment is not visible; the consensus-predicted SSE for P2 (black) is shown. Colored boxes indicate insertions in the conserved domain (SID or P4*; defined in Fig 4) at the N terminus (blue), middle (yellow and orange) and C-terminus (red). The boxed orange regions, segments 648–805 and 817–929, indicate the putative protease-like fold and SIID, respectively. The aligned P4 sequences for W1118 and W1075 are shown.

Fig 3
