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Characterization of a Novel Human-Specific STING Agonist that Elicits Antiviral Activity Against Emerging Alphaviruses

Fig 7

G10-Mediated Expression of Type I and III IFN and IFN-Dependent Genes.

Induction of IFNβ and IFNλ1 (A) or Mx2 and OAS (B) transcripts in THF following 18h exposure to SeV, UV-CMV, or 100μM G10 or IFNβ as indicated. Values presented are average fold changes relative to cells treated with 1% DMSO ±SD based on duplicate treatments. (C) Secretion of type I IFN from THF-ISRE, THF-ISRE-ΔIPS1, or THF-ISRE-ΔSTING following 18h exposure to 1% DMSO, SeV, UV-CMV, or 100μM G10. Average LUC values ±SD were obtained from THF-ISRE-ΔIRF3 exposed (in triplicate) to media harvested from indicated cells and exposed to indicated stimulus (in triplicate).

Fig 7
