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Crystal Structure of the Human Cytomegalovirus Glycoprotein B

Fig 3

Structures of HCMV, HSV-1, and EBV gB ectodomains.

The structures of HSV-1 (2GUM), HCMV (5CXF), and EBV (3FVC) gB ectodomains are aligned on the central trimeric helices and are displayed side-by-side as (A) trimers in surface and (B) protomers in cartoon representations. The domains I-V of each homologue are colored as in [16, 17]. (C) Single protomers (chain B in HSV-1 and HCMV) are aligned on the core helix α4. DIV and DIII are enlarged and shown from the side and top down. Red arrows indicate differences in the domain placement of the homologues, while black arrows indicate the hinge between domains. HSV-1 gB is colored in green, HCMV gB is colored in orange, and EBV gB is colored in cyan. (D) Single protomers (chain B in HSV-1 and HCMV) are aligned on DII, demonstrating the species-specific twist of each, using the same color scheme as in C.

Fig 3
