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A Unique Human Norovirus Lineage with a Distinct HBGA Binding Interface

Fig 4

Evolutionary changes of the topologies of the P dimer top surface of OIF compared with other noroviruses.

(A), GII.21 OIF virus; (B), GII.4 VA387 (387); (C), GII.9 VA207 (207); (D), GII.10 Vietnam026 (VN026); (E), GII.12 Hiro; (F), GI.1 Norwalk virus (NV). The seven major surface loops, i.e. A-, B-, P-, S-, T-, U-, and N-loops are indicated in light-green, orange, cyan, purple, dark-green, red, and blue, respectively. The locations of the HBGA binding interfaces are indicated by yellow dashed circles. (G and H), Comparison of the top surface structures of the P dimers of OIF virus (G) and VA387 (H). The two P protomers are labeled in grey and sand colors. Bound HBGAs are shown in stick representation, with the major binding saccharide (galactose in OIF, fucose in VA387) colored in yellow.

Fig 4
