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Non-redundant and Redundant Roles of Cytomegalovirus gH/gL Complexes in Host Organ Entry and Intra-tissue Spread

Figure 3

Requirement of gO for efficient initiation of infection in diverse liver cell types.

(A) Sketch of liver tissue microanatomy with the localization of Hc, EC (black stain), and MΦ (turquoise-green stain). Infection of cells is symbolized by viral IE1 protein-containing cell nuclei (red stain). (B) 3C-IHC images of liver tissue sections taken at 24h after i.v. infection of immunocompromised BALB/c mice (6.5 Gy of γ-irradiation) with 1 x 106 PFU of WT mCMV. (a) Overview showing infected Hc (iHc, red stained nucleus, IE1 protein), infected IE1+ (red) F4/80+ (turquoise green) MΦ (iMΦ), and infected IE1+ (red) CD31+ (black) EC (iEC). (b) Higher magnification image showing iMΦ and iHc in greater detail. (c) Higher magnification image showing iEC and a binucleated iHc in greater detail. Bar markers: 25 μm. (C) Counts of infected IE1+ cells (sum of IE1+E1- and IE1+E1+ cells) of the indicated liver cell types in representative 10-mm2 areas of liver tissue sections after infection with viruses WT or ΔgO (Δm74) under the conditions specified above. Symbols represent data (linked data within each infection group) from individual mice with the median values marked.

Figure 3
