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Cell Cycle-Independent Phospho-Regulation of Fkh2 during Hyphal Growth Regulates Candida albicans Pathogenesis

Fig 8

Biological confirmation of the microarray results—phosphorylation of Fkh2 affects multiple pathogenic processes.

A) Biofilm formation in 12 well plastic plates imaged after 48 h. B) Quantitation shows the average weight for ten individual biofilms. C) Epithelial cell damage measured by LDH release in a TR146 oral epithelial monolayer infection model. D) and E) Immune activation in the infection model was measured by IL-1α (D) or IL-1β (E) production. Error bars are standard deviations. In C-E FKH2/FKH2 represents an ARG4+ URA3+ BWP17 strain that has identical auxotrophic requirements to the other strains tested; FKH2/FKH2 represents a strain with 2 wild-type alleles of FKH2, one of which is C-terminally tagged with YFP and is prototrophic for URA3 only. B-E: Significance of the indicated comparisons was assessed by unpaired, one-tailed t-tests * p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.01.

Fig 8
