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STING-Dependent Type I IFN Production Inhibits Cell-Mediated Immunity to Listeria monocytogenes

Figure 7

Mice lacking type I IFNs are partially rescued from c-di-AMP-mediated immune inhibition.

A. B6 or IFNAR1−/− mice were immunized with 103 CFU ActALm-OVA (ΔactA) in the presence (open triangles) or absence (open circles) of 100 µg c-di-AMP or B. tetRActALm-OVA (tetRΔactA) (open triangles). Naïve mice were administered PBS (closed circles). Mice were challenged 30–38 days later with 2×105 CFU WT Lm-OVA and 3 days post challenge, CFU were enumerated from spleens. The dashed line represents limit of detection. Data are presented as the cumulative results from 3 independent experiments (ns = not significant, *p<0.05, **p<0.005, ***p<0.0005).

Figure 7
