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Homeostatic Proliferation Fails to Efficiently Reactivate HIV-1 Latently Infected Central Memory CD4+ T Cells

Figure 2

IL-7 induces cell cycle entry of cultured TCM.

(A) Mock or DHIV latently infected, cultured TCM were left in the absence of cytokines (None) or in the presence of IL-2, IL-7 or a combination of IL-2 and IL-7 (IL-2+IL-7) or costimulated with antibodies to CD3 and CD28 (αCD3/αCD28) and assessed for intracellular p24Gag and Ki67 expression by flow cytometry. Numbers in boxes indicate percentages. (B) Analysis corresponding to 4 different donors analyzed as shown in panel A; each donor is represented with a different symbol and horizontal lines indicate media values. Statistical significance was calculated by 2-tailed paired-sample t test analysis (P values provided, N.S. not significant). (C) Analysis of the percentage of p24Gag+ cells in each compartment (Ki67 or Ki67+) after IL-2+IL-7 treatment in the four donors analyzed in B. Data was normalized as indicated in the text. Horizontal lines indicate media values. Statistical significance was calculated by 2-tailed paired-sample t test analysis (N.S. not significant).

Figure 2
