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Critical Role of Bcr1-Dependent Adhesins in C. albicans Biofilm Formation In Vitro and In Vivo

Figure 1

Effect of Increased BCR1 Expression on Adherence and Hyphal Morphogenesis

Strains were grown under in vitro biofilm assay conditions for 60 h and photographed (A–F) or grown in Spider suspension cultures and examined by phase contrast microscopy at ×400 magnification (G–I). For the biofilms assays, turbid medium with all cells free-floating in the medium rather than attached to the silicone substrate indicates a biofilm-negative phenotype; clear medium with the silicone substrate completely covered with cells indicates a biofilm-positive phenotype. Relevant genotypes are given above each panel for strains CJN1015 (reference strain + TEF1) (A, G), CJN1060 (bcr1/bcr1 + TEF1) (B), CJN1052 (tec1/tec1 + TEF1) (C, H), CJN1039 (reference strain + TEF1-BCR1) (D), CJN1011 (bcr1/bcr1 + TEF1-BCR1) (E), and CJN1035 (tec1/tec1 + TEF1-BCR1) (F, I).

Figure 1
