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Structured patterns of activity in pulse-coupled oscillator networks with varied connectivity

Fig 9

Temporally-regular, chimeric, and temporally-irregular states in other random graph ensembles.

Panels A-C show sample NCD matrices for Barabási-Albert pulse-coupled oscillator networks with 16 nodes. The mean degree in these networks was drawn randomly from a uniform distribution with range [3,15). According to both ISI and NCD-based categorization, A is a temporally-regular state, B is a chimera state, and C is a temporally-irregular state. Panels D-F show sample NCD matrices for states of 16-node Newman-Watts-Strogatz networks. Each node is connected to its two nearest neighbors and additional edges were added with probability drawn randomly from a uniform distribution with range [0.2,0.8). Similar to the first row, (D) is a temporally-regular state, (E) is a chimera state, and (F) is a temporally-irregular state.

Fig 9
