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Swab pooling: A new method for large-scale RT-qPCR screening of SARS-CoV-2 avoiding sample dilution

Fig 4

Large-scale molecular screening of SARS-CoV-2 with swab pooling.

(A) Number of positive pools related to the original pool size and the number of positive samples within the pool. (B) Correlation between Cq values from pools and their respective individual samples stratified by the number of positive samples within the pool (1, 2, and 3 or more positive individual samples). Point color represents the pool size (from less than 10 to 16 individuals). Cq values for the three marker genes tested were included. Correlation coefficients are presented in the figure (R: Pearson’s corr. coefficient; ⍴: Spearman’s rank corr. coefficient). (C) Cq values from individual tests and corresponding pools were assigned to each patient. A hierarchical model with patient-specific intercepts was used to estimate mean variations between individual and pool samples across varying genetic markers. Estimates for mean Cq differences along with 95% credible intervals are shown in the top-left corner of each graph.

Fig 4
