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Pharmacologic and surgical therapies for patients with Meniere’s disease: A systematic review and network meta-analysis

Fig 5

League table of pairwise difference estimates in hearing change (lower triangle), and the probabilities that a treatment is better than another (upper triangle).

The league table presents pairwise differences in hearing change (PTA) with credible intervals (2.5% and 97.5% quantiles), and the pairwise probabilities that a treatment is better than another based on NMA. A complete summary of estimates for efficacy from the RE consistency model assuming vague priors is displayed. Estimates of difference in PTA change between regimens which ruled out the possibility of no difference are shown in bold, underlined font. For each comparison, the lower/right-most treatment is the reference treatment. For example, the largest difference in PTA improvement compared to placebo was associated with IT steroid + high-dose betahistine, estimated as -3.68 dB (95% CrI -14.10 to 6.98), with a negative sign indicating benefit over comparator in hearing preservation.

Fig 5
