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Are we restoring functional fens? – The outcomes of restoration projects in fens re-analysed with plant functional traits

Fig 2

Graphs illustrating the shift in the trait space after restoration with Rewetting and Topsoil removal.

Only the situation before restoration and the last year of observation were plotted. The community means (CMs) for PFTs, aggregated per site, were used as ordination variables in this PCA analysis. Arrows connect the two points and indicate the direction of change. Graphs are constructed using scores of samples for first two axes from PCA analysis, which explained cumulatively 39.5% and 47.3% of variation in data on first and second ordination axis (eigenvalues of 0.395, 0.08 respectively, short gradient of 1.3 SD unit). All available PFT data were used for PCA analysis, except these that were omitted due to insufficient data coverage (see S2 Table). For quantitative traits, the standardised values were used. Scores were aggregated (average) per site x treatment x time combination. For MIRES (reference records), the score average and the standard deviation were plotted (error bars), to indicate a range of values. For site symbols see S1 Table. The number behind the site letter code indicates a number of years since the restoration measure was applied. Stripped arrows and grey letter codes indicate the controls when these were available. For the controls the age was not indicated as it is the same as for corresponding restored sites.

Fig 2
