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A large-scale analysis of bioinformatics code on GitHub

Fig 5

Distribution of developers, commits and paper authorships by gender.

“Developers” are unique commit authors or committers over the entire dataset; we attempted to collapse individuals with multiple aliases. “Commits” are individual commits to default branches of repositories. “Paper authors” are individual authorships on papers, not necessarily unique people. For each repository, the one paper announcing the repository is included; we note that some repositories may be developed over multiple publications, while only one publication per repository is included here. Papers were then deduplicated because some papers announced multiple repositories. First and last authors are only counted for papers with at least two authors. Names for which a gender could not be inferred are excluded. Bar height corresponds to the number of female contributors divided by the number of contributors with a gender call; these numbers are labeled above each bar. The features for each repo are provided in S8 Table.

Fig 5
