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Penetration and scattering—Two optical phenomena to consider when applying proximal remote sensing technologies to object classifications

Fig 4

Hyperspectral imaging data were acquired from green pieces of candy (Skittles) under four different scenarios (a): 1) no other Skittles (Alone), 2) two neighboring green Skittles (green neighbors), 3) two neighboring brown Skittles (brown neighbors), and 4) two neighboring red Skittles (red neighbors). Average reflectance profiles in 40 spectral bands from 385 to 1024 nm are presented (b). Average reflectance (c) and statistical analyses (d) of difference (average reflectance profiles from scenarios with neighbors divided by average reflectance profiles without neighbors) in 40 spectral bands from 385 to 1024 nm. Grey color represents significant difference at the 0.05-level.

Fig 4
