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Neurog3 misexpression unravels mouse pancreatic ductal cell plasticity

Fig 8

Neurog3 misexpression in insulin+ cells does not alter β-cell function.

(A) A combination of immunohistochemical detection and Salmon-Gal staining was used to assess β-galactosidase activity in InsCre::Neurog3OE pancreata. 80% of insulin-producing cells appeared positive for β-galactosidase. For clarity, Salmon-Gal staining was converted to a green labeling in the photographs. (B) Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests of adult InsCre::Neurog3OE animals (5-month old, n = 5) do not show any difference in glucose response comparing transgenic animals and their age-matched transgene-negative littermates (n = 4), indicating that maintained Neurog3 misexpression in β-cells does not impair their ability to secrete insulin in response to glucose stimulation. Statistics were performed using the Mann-Whitney test.

Fig 8
