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Effects of water decontamination methods and bedding material on the gut microbiota

Fig 3

Richness and diversity of fecal and cecal microbiota at endpoint.

Tukey’s box plot of endpoint fecal and cecal Richness (number of distinct OTUs) (A and B), Shannon Diversity Index (C and D), and Simpson diversity index (E and F). Bottom axis represents combination of bedding and water decontamination method: autoclaving with reverse osmosis (RO), autoclaving with hydrochloric acid (HCl), autoclaving with sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and autoclaving alone (Autoclaved). Asterisks represent significant main effect of bedding in two-way ANOVA (S3 Table). Like lower case letters indicate significantly different (p<0.05) comparisons between groups as determined via two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test. For example, the Corn cob/HCl and Paperchip/HCl groups are labeled with an “a” indicating that a significant difference was found between these two groups.

Fig 3
