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Genomic comparison between Staphylococcus aureus GN strains clinically isolated from a familial infection case: IS1272 transposition through a novel inverted repeat-replacing mechanism

Fig 9

Variation in size of the IS1272 transposase (Tnp) gene (tnp).

(A) The sizes of the IS1272 tnp genes in GN1/GN3, other reported S. aureus (including MRSA), and S. hemolyticus are summarized in figures; other S. aureus included strains 6850, MRSA252, TCH60, JKD6159, SA268, T-ORC_001, SA957, and DAR4145 (they were from the database) and S. haemolyticus was from [33]. The majority of tnp genes encoded for a 548-aa product. However, for example, GN1/3 copy 7 tnp had a premature stop codon, resulting in a truncated product (328 aa); and S. haemolyticus IS1272 tnp had one base deletion, resulting in a frame shift mutation and two smaller ORFs (229 aa and 273 aa), due to one more deletion [31]. Moreover, GN1/3 copy 2 tnp encoded for a larger product (698 aa). (B) This figure shows that the tnp gene of GN1/3 IS1272 copy 2 encodes for a fusion protein, constructed by isochorismatase (putative), shown in red, and GN1 IS1272 copy P1 transposase, shown in blue. There was a link peptide region (PI), shown in black, between the isochorismatase (putative) domain and IS1272 P1 transposase domain; the same link peptide region was also present in both isochorismatase (putative) and IS1272 P1 transposase; the nucleotide sequence corresponding to the link peptide region was 5’-CCAATA.

Fig 9
