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The common oncogenomic program of NOTCH1 and NOTCH3 signaling in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Fig 1

TALL1 cells are NOTCH3-dependent.

(A) NOTCH1 and NOTCH3 mRNA transcript levels. Transcripts were quantified using gene specific primer sets and GAPDH as a reference gene. (B) Active nuclear ICN1 and ICN3. Western blots of fractionated cell lysates were stained with the indicated specific antibodies. The anti-N3-S3 antibody, which recognizes gamma-secretase cleaved NOTCH3, has weak cross-reactivity to gamma-secretase cleaved NOTCH1 (asterisk). (C) TALL1 cell growth is strongly inhibited by GSI, partially inhibited by the anti-NOTCH3 NRR antibody A4, and resistant to the anti-NOTCH1 NRR antibody WC75.

Fig 1
