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The SERTAD protein Taranis plays a role in Polycomb-mediated gene repression

Fig 4

Taranis knockdown results in loss of Pc recruitment.

(A) Mitotic clones in the Salivary gland were induced by heatshock at the embryonic stage and heat-shocked embryos were left to grow until 3rd Instar. Salivary glands from wandering 3rd instar larvae were dissected and immunostained for Pc. The GFP negative cells are tara03881 homozygous clones. Note that tara03881 homozygous cells (white arrow, GFP negative) show less Pc in salivary glands nuclei. GFP positive cells are wild type or heterozygous for tara03881. Genotype of the larvae is hsflp;;FRT82B,Ubi-GFP/FRT82B,tara03881. (B) Salivary glands from Sgs3 > taraRNAi or control wandering 3rd instar larvae were squashed and subjected to immunostaining with antibody against Pc to visualize Pc distribution on polytene chromosomes. DNA (DAPI) staining of the chromosome is shown is grey in the merged images. Magnified view of the boxed area on the right indicating reduction in number of Pc bands. Graph depicting average number of Pc bands on polytene chromosome on taraRNAi as well as driver only (Sgs3 >w1118) control.

Fig 4
